Beltway East provides a full scale real estate development solution service by breaking down each project into two phases of Development being Development and Construction and Development and Acquisitions. The key being that all of the project should be seen as real estate development created as a viable “business” venture in Development and Acquisitions executed in its physical form by Development and Construction. Our company was started and run by members with engineering backgrounds who use that foundation and the latest technology to ensure the development product is fully pieced together and ready to operate for our users while protecting our financial partners from undue risk and complication. Using both financial engineering in the Acquisition phase and systems engineering in the Construction, we take a methodical approach to economic value creation while reducing risk in the process of physical creation.

Development and Construction
The process of creating physical places is a mix of selecting qualified professionals and communicating with community authorities and stakeholders to safely construct quality physical structures and places. Beltway East has all the knowledge to ensure that the product envisioned by the business plan and sourced by financial partners will be delivered on time and within budget. We do this by creating a defined scope, detailed schedule and comprehensive budget and using these tools to monitor and manage progress towards project goals. Some of the questions we can and will answer are:
How long will this take to complete?
What design and construction team members should we hire to complete THIS project?
How much should it cost?
Who do we need to talk to get the project approved?
We engineer our development plans and then execute them. Development and Construction should start as soon as possible to bridge the gap between vision and physical creation. We can bridge that gap and look forward to getting projects to where they benefit the community. That’s the ultimate goal.
Development and Acquisitions
Every vision of a project starts with an idea that fills in a need. Getting these ideas off the ground into the form of a physical place requires knowledge of what can be put into space and what is available to make that transformation happen. Beltway East can both guide you of what physical forms your project can take but also identify space and potential sources of capital to match those physical transformations. Members have been both developers and constructors of physical real estate so we can partner with users and capital sources to create the right business venture that can then be executed into an operating property.
Reach out to info@beltwayeast.com where we can provide a more detailed brochure of our past experience.